Heart First Leadership

3 Simple Steps to Recreate Your Life

Ryan Sawyer

 I walk you through the critical steps of rebuilding from the ground up, sharing key insights from my own experiences and the consequences of tackling these steps out of order. The traps of strategizing from a place of stagnation are real, and I'll show you how to avoid them by shifting your consciousness first. Our thoughts and feelings aren't just fleeting—they forge the path ahead, and I'm here to help you align them with the future you yearn for.

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What's inside the guide?

  • How to better help your student stay engaged, motivated, and resilient by focusing on learning, improving, and expanding their capacity.
  • How to avoid common behaviors and messages that cause students to "duck their heads" or adopt avoidant strategies.
  • Get practical exercises and conversation starters that you can use with your teens or students at school, sports and home.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome back to the show. Today I'm going to talk about three simple steps that helps you create and build, construct a new life. And I know these three steps work because I have worked with them for many years now. And anytime that I get these three mixed up meaning that I start to do them in the wrong order things seem to become a lot more of a struggle and there seems to be more obstacle. So let me give you a little bit of context before I go into what these three steps are.

Speaker 1:

When you're in a place where you want something to be different maybe it's a dark place and you're in that room where you just there's no windows, it's dark, you don't even can't find the door handle because you can't get out. It's reoccurring thoughts that are intrusive. It's maybe constrictive emotions, maybe it's self-sabotaging behavior. That's one experience, obviously, that a lot of people may be experiencing and want to find a way to get out of. Or maybe it's just a life where you kind of got to a spot where you feel like you're on this bit of a plateau and it just feels like there's lack of meaning and you really want to strive towards purpose in life, but you just don't know what the next step is. Both of these experiences feel constricted, both of these experiences feel limiting. Both of these experiences feel dense or even potential darkness. And here's what I have learned that has been so incredibly helpful for me is that if you try to create the strategy that's gonna get you out of that experience from that experience, it becomes very, very difficult. Your mind, your brain, will collapse time. When you're in those experiences whether it be in business, life, relationship, whatever it may be in life in general, when you want something to be different, your brain will collapse time to make it feel like this is how it's forever going to be so, from the beginning, to conserve energy. Your brain is doing this and it feels like there's no way out. It feels like there's no hope. It feels like there's a sense of hopelessness. So what's the point of even trying to do something different, as well as when your perception narrows? Not only has it collapsed as time, but your perception narrows, which means that you're only able to see about 30% of what's actually right in front of you, which you're going to miss opportunity. You're going to miss the potential for growth. You're going to miss a way or a solution out.

Speaker 1:

So to try to recreate a new life from the same level of mind is incredibly difficult. We have to create a new level of mind as much as you possibly can before you begin to develop the story and the strategy that helps you to actually create that and take action towards it. So how we're currently thinking and feeling in this moment is creating the next moment. In the last few podcasts I've been kind of talking about this same topic in different ways, but my current life is based upon what I was talking about a few days ago or weeks or months ago. It's basically on a 30, 60, 90 day cycle, and even science shows that we are completely being recreated from the cellular level Every 11 months. So if you really truly commit to creating a new version of yourself, a new path, a new strategy, but in 11 months from now, your life should be completely unrecognizable compared to what it is right now. So we know that this moment is entangled with the next. We know that we are creating our experience in the next moment based upon our current state, and our state is how we are thinking and feeling and behaving. So, from a fundamental level, instead of trying to create the strategy to get to where you want to go from this state, let's flip the orientation.

Speaker 1:

So many times people are trying to create to-do lists. Do, do, do, action, action, action. I got to just figure this thing out. I got to fix all the puzzle pieces outside of me. Then I'll feel better and then I'll take the action. And in the coaching world this is really easy to see when someone's like, well, now it's not the time for this coaching, I don't have this, I don't have the time, I don't have the money, but when I get there, then I'll do the coaching. That gets me to the next stage of life. I'm saying, well, wait a minute, let. What if we were to start from the inside out, which means shift your state first? Now, all the different ways of shifting your state.

Speaker 1:

Right, I'm not going to sit here and list off all the ways to shift your state, but probably I would be willing to bet the answer is somewhere along the lines of one or two things. Either you need to do less and spend more time slowing down, recovering, changing your brainwave activity. I know that when your perception is narrowed and you want something to be different, you become very task oriented. You spend a lot of time in beta or even high beta, to get your brainwave activity into alpha, to where there's a possibility for your brain to create new neural networks and connect new dots, have a new awareness or an aha moment that helps you to see oh, that's the way, that's the way, that's the way, that's how I get to where I want to go. So maybe it's slowing down. Less is more. Maybe it's shifting your state in a current way. Maybe it's shifting your state in a current moment by doing something hard. So probably it's one of those two.

Speaker 1:

It's probably the ends of the spectrum. It's probably by doing something that shifts your state. Like, hey, cold exposure that can shift your state. Doing a hard workout, going for a long walk, going for a long hike, pushing yourself physically, mentally and emotionally, can kind of get you out of that current pattern. It's about interrupting the pattern that we're in. Your state, your way of thinking and feeling and behaving is a pattern. So you have to interrupt the pattern. So you're gonna do it by going to one end or the other, one end of the spectrum. I call it spectrum training. You're either gonna go do something hard or you're gonna do something where you're gonna allow for yourself to be bored, spending time letting your mind wander. This is not on your phone. This is not scrolling. This is about legitimate taking a break from your life. So, again, there's a thousand different ways we could talk about shifting the state and learn how to cope with stress. But this is about a pattern interrupt, taking a break from your life and either doing something out of the norm that's hard and uncommon to shift your state, or doing something that is completely decluttering in your life, slowing way down, changing your brain wave activity to allow for a new possibility to arise.

Speaker 1:

Then, once you've shifted your state, then begin to flip the story in your mind. There's a current story that's running your life. There's a story that you're telling yourself, about yourself or about the world that is creating the next moment. We are storytelling machines and we live the story that we are telling. The story we're telling now is creating tomorrow. So tomorrow's already being created by the story you're telling right now. But you're not gonna be able to write a new story until you shift your state. Really, really difficult to write a different story from a lower state of mind. We cannot write a new story from the same level of mind that created it. So you have to shift your state to a higher state, to an altered state, by, through brain wave activity, potentially recovery, rest, nature, sun exposure, hard things, cold exposure, whatever.

Speaker 1:

Pick one, one end of the spectrum and you'll find your center, where you can then return to the story that you've been telling and write a new story. Write a story that serves you, write a story that you get excited about, write a story that scares you a little bit, write a story that builds you up to take action. Then, once you have that story that you want to tell, that you want to live, then you can develop the strategy, then you can develop the action plan, then you can start to say, okay, now that I know where I'm going, this is my, I've shifted my state, I've written the new story. Now here's some actionable steps, here's some micro goals, here's some things that are measurable, time, bound, achievable things that I can go take action on right now to move the needle towards that experience.

Speaker 1:

But so many times we're in a constrictive experience, maybe again, whether it's a dark place or whether it's lack of meaning, both can feel dense and we try to create strategy from that state of feeling like I'm not enough, or there's not enough or what's the point, and that's going to create extra struggle and obstacle. So peel the layer back, start from shifting your state. Then change the story, then create the strategy and take action. And you start to make this habit, you start to make this to be where you recognize oh, I want something to be different. All right, I've reached this choice point in my life.

Speaker 1:

Now I need to shift my state. I need to get myself into an altered state of mind where I can create a new reality by creating a different personality. That's what happens. Our personality is creating our personal reality. So shift your state, shift how you're thinking and feeling. Shift how you're thinking and feeling. So shift how you're behaving. From that altered state, that new state of mind, then you have the potential of creating a new story and from that new story, then you're going to have clarity of strategy. So try this out. And again, obviously there's a million different ways to shift your state. There's a million different ways that we can tell different stories, but we are storytelling machines and we're creating the next moment from the story we're telling ourselves right now. So shift your state, tell a new story and then take action.

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